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August 26, 2005



yay!! I'm so glad things are going well! will be thinking of you and will definitely donate to the charity.


Congratulations on getting home! That's a huge landmark on your road to recovery.

Some of us who have been following your story are wondering if the cause of your liver failure was ever identified so that others can be aware of conditions that may lead to the potential need for an organ transplant.

Best of luck! Congrats again!

Reb Chaim

Mazel Tov Shari
We want to be the first to welcome you home. We followed your route to success on our web site and we continue to educate the public awareness to the plight of our immediate needs to help our brothers and sisters worldwide.

When you are up to it, you and your family and friends are invited to Yerushalayim for a gala Shabbat event of giving thanks to Hashem. We provide the food, you provide the people.

We can't wait for your arrival in Yerushalayim.

Reb Chaim of Yerushalayim

Lisa Kalimi

Dear Shari,
It's so wonderful to hear that you are doing well. We know it's a long road, but it sounds like you've gotten a good start.
Keep up the good work!
Lisa Khodadadian Kalimi

Mazal Tov

We are very happy for you in Jerusalem.

May the publicity generated as a result of your (G-d willing) complete recovery be an inspiration for others.

Carrie Tahler

I heard your story on 1010 wins about a month ago. When I hear of people in need of organs in order to live it really hits home
My father passed away in Nov from liver and kidney failure. Although his disease was chronic and became progressively worse over the course of a year, I do know what happens to your body when your liver is failing and I was truely feeling for those close to you in life. I am so glad you had a happy ending and the surgery seems that it was a huge success. My father had several other problems and never made it to the waiting period due to his grave illness.
I too had donations made to UNOS in his honor after learning alot about organ donations and how many people are unaware of the urgency and importance of it.
You sound like a very determined individual and you can take your experience so far helping to educate people on this topic
I am currently a volunteer with the NY chapter for organ donation and have yet to get out there and get involved beyond the finacial aspect
If you ever need volunteers you can always keep me in mind
I did go to NYU and donate blood in your name in hopes you would reach the point that you are now at.
Best of luck to you for a very long, healthy and successful future.


elana berger weiss

So glad to hear you are home!! wishing you a long healthy and happy life.

elana berger weiss

so happy to hear you are home! wishing you a long healthy and happy life!

Knickcole Hall


Congrats belated on the new liver! Im sure you are excited that you received the liver transplant and can now continue passing awareness of the need of those who can donate organs to do so! Continue healing and I wish you the best of luck in all your adventures to come..
May God Bless and keep you and your husband safe!

Knickcole Hall


i want to see pictures from the wedding! im sure it was beautiful :) congratulations and best of luck

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