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August 15, 2005


Hillary Bailin Kaufer

Dearest Shari and family, We are so glad to hear that you are on the road to recovery. We wish you a healthy, happy and EASY road ahead. We think of you everyday and what a great impact you have on the world around you! Stay stong and feel well! You are going to make a beautiful bride! Lots of luck, Hillary Bailin Kaufer and family

Jan Peters

Good luck! Thats great!


I stumbled into your blog tonight, and after reading about Shari and her need for a transplant, you have shed some light on a subject I have not decided on. until tonight. Organ donation is so very important. I thank-you for showing me this. So glad that Shari recieved her transplant. Blessings and prayers to Shari...

Mary Graper

Read your amazing story on Newsday.com. Congratulations on your successful transplant and recovery. As president of the Wilson's Disease Association, unfortunately this is a story we hear way too often. We are working diligently to educate physicians on how to recognize and diagnose WD earlier so many patients do not have to face the ordeal that you did!


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